Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Computer MCQs Questions Set - 2


Top 100 Computer MCQ Question

1.    PDA is the types of ------------- computer.

A.   Mini

B.   Mainframe

C.    Handheld

D.   Super

2.    Which File type can be attached with E-mail? .

A.   .pdf

B.   .doc

C.    .jpg

D.   All of these

3.    Which is a Programming or scripting language used for web designing?


B.   XML

C.    Microsoft Word

D.   Microsoft PowerPoint

4.    On internet Which is the example of Application Software?

A.   Browser

B.   Interpreter

C.    Operating system

D.   Compiler  

5.    Which File type can  not be attached with E-mail?

A.   .pdf

B.   .doc

C.    .jpg

D.   .exe

6.    Save as dialog box is also used to save the open file with different name.



7.    In MS-Word to apply Header & Footer …… Tab is available there.

A.   Home

B.   View

C.    Insert

D.   Page Layout  

8.    To select any paragraph in document ……. With mouse on paragraph.

A.   Single Click

B.   Triple Click

C.    Double Click

D.   Right Click  

9.    In MS-Word you can align the selected paragraph to its right by pressing

A.   Ctrl +r

B.   Ctrl +p

C.    Ctrl +v

D.   None of these


10. Using Find command in Word, we can search ……….

A.   Characters

B.   Formats

C.    Symbols

D.   All of these


11. You can press ctrl + c to select single complete column in MS Excel 2010



12. Which function in MS Excel 2010 converts the text into upper case ?

A.   =upper()

B.   = uppercase ()

C.    =caps()

D.   = lower()

13. Where we can specify background image for a worksheet in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   in page layout tab

B.   In data tab

C.    in review tab

D.   in insert tab


14. Serial Z-A means …………… sorting of text.

A.   Descending

B.   Ascending

C.    Vertical

D.   Numeric  

15. Which group allows you to apply bold format to text in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   Clipboard group

B.   Font group

C.    Dark and bold group

D.   Cells group  

16. The feature used to give a list in a slide are _______

A.   Arrow

B.   Bullets

C.    Line

D.   Placeholder

17. Use Ctrl+A => Ctrl+C=>Ctrl+V on the slide pane to _______

A.   Rename all slides

B.   Select all slides

C.    Delete all slides

D.   Paste all slides 

18. Slides are created in _________Software

A.   Ms Excel

B.   Ms PowerPoint

C.    Ms Presenter

D.   Ms Word

19. We can apply various __________ effects to presentation

A.   Formula

B.   Animation

C.    Document

D.   None of these  


20. To move the slide up or down through the presentation, it is better to work in ________

A.   Change View

B.   Slide View

C.    Slide Master

D.   Slide Sorter View

21. Pressing key combination Alt + Tab in Windows 7 will………………

A.   Open Task Manager

B.   Cancel Current Task

C.    Display Help

D.   Switch between open items 


22. To remove added attachment, click on ____________ Button.

A.   Question Mark (?)

B.   Star (*)

C.    Exclamation (!)

D.   Cross mark (X)


23.  The benefits of E-Mail are

A.   Very fast

B.   Free of charge

C.    Quick Communication

D.   All of these 


24. in Windows 7, different file formats are identified by their………………….

A.   Size

B.   Position

C.    Location

D.   Extension  


25. ISP stands for Internet Service Protocol


B.   FALSE  

26.    One must extract compressed files before using



27.    In windows 7 shortcut key for help is ____________

A.   Esc

B.   Help

C.    F1

D.   Del

28.    The long form of URL is

A.   Universal Resource locator

B.   Uniform Resource Locator

C.    Uniform Reach location

D.   None of these

29.    Junk emails are also called as

A.   Deleted mails

B.   New Mails

C.    Retrieve mails

D.   Spam mails 

30.    Who supports to starts the Internet?

A.   Modem

B.   Google



31.    Open option is given in …… menu

A.   File

B.   Formatting

C.    Status

D.   Drawing

32.    Line tool button is given in insert Tab………option

A.   Standard

B.   Shape

C.    Formatting

D.   Status

33.    In MS Word, What Ribbon do you use to change margins ?

A.   Page Layout

B.   View

C.    Insert

D.   Home 


34.    To insert Wordart …….tab used in word.

A.   Home Page Layout

B.   Data Tab

C.    Insert

D.   View  

35.    We can insert pictures by the…….tab of picture command in Word document.

A.   Insert

B.   Home

C.    Page Layout

D.   View

36. With Average function we get the ……………… of values in Range.

A.   Sum

B.   Min

C.    Max

D.   Average


37. To find Minumum Number in cell range _______function is used

A.   Count()

B.   Min()

C.    Round()

D.   Max()


38. Workbook is type of file available in ……………….

A.   MS-Word

B.   MS-Excel

C.    MS PowerPoint

D.   All of these

39. The name of the sheets in workbook can not be changed.




40. What are the options available under editing group in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   Auto sum

B.   Fill

C.    Clear

D.   All of these

41. We can quit from slide show after clicking ______ key on the keyboard.

A.   Esc

B.   Enter

C.    F1

D.   Tab  


42. which key is used to increase font size?

A.   Ctrl + [

B.   Ctrl + ]

C.    Shift + [

D.   Shift + ]

43. In PowerPoint Spelling checker is available under _______ribbon.

A.   Review

B.   Design

C.    Slide Show

D.   Transitions  

44. In slide show which menu of the command is not available?

A.   Background

B.   Custom Show

C.    Hide Slide

D.   Set up show

45. You can create Database in MS PowerPoint



46. Is it possible to forward E-Mail, by clicking on forward button?

A.   It's not possible

B.   It is possible

C.    Sometimes its possible

D.   None of these  

47. In Windows 7, pressing Ctrl + Y will………………….

A.   Redo an action

B.   Open a Folder

C.    Delete a file

D.   Close Window


48. Message Sending, connecting and breaking are controlled by___

A.   Servers

B.   Clients

C.    Protocols

D.   Users  

49. Usually memory capacity of Blank DVD is …………………

A.   200 GB

B.   1 TB

C.    4.7 GB

D.   100 GB  


50.    Optical Disk are .Disk which use laser rays instead of magnetic field.

A.   Metal

B.   Plastic

C.    Rubber 

D.   None of above

51.    On internet Backspace key is used for …………………..

A.   Previous

B.   Next

C.    Old

D.   All of these  

52.    We can attached all types of files with an E-mail.



53.    LED means –

A.   Light Emitting Diode

B.   Light Emotion Diode

C.    Little Emitting Diode

D.   Life Emitting Diode  

54.    The language used to develop A WEB PAGE is



C.    C

D.   JAVA  

55.    What is used to see the various world wide website?

A.   Web server

B.   Web Browser

C.    Microsoft Word

D.   Microsoft PowerPoint


56.    In MS-Word document having ………no. of type of margins.

A.   2

B.   4

C.    3

D.   5  

57.    We can delete typed matter from Header and Footer.



58.    Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are ……….

A.   text effects

B.   font effects

C.    font styles

D.   word art  

59.    Press… Key to close current paragraph.

A.   Tab

B.   Esc.

C.    Enter

D.   Shift

60.    What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol?

A.   Alt + Ctrl +C

B.   Alt + C

C.    Ctrl + C

D.   Ctrl + Shift + C  

61.    Which function will display "MAHARASHTRA STATE" in cell of MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   =upper("Maharashtra state")

B.   =capital(" Maharashtra state")

C.    =uppercase("Maharashtra state")

D.   =capital case("Maharashtra state")  

62.    What we call to inbuilt formula in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   program

B.   value

C.    function

D.   figures  


63.    Which keyboard shortcut is used to get help MS Excel 2010?

A.   F1

B.   F2

C.    F3

D.   F4

64.    Which is a correct answer for =average(20,40) in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   10

B.   20

C.    25

D.   30


65.    To make Cell Reference Absolute ………… Symbol is used.

A.   ^

B.   ?

C.    *

D.   $

66.    To check spelling in current presentation __________________ is used.

A.   F2

B.   F5

C.    F7

D. F8


67.    You can see objects in big size using

A.   Zoom In

B.   Zoom Out

C.    Size In

D.   Size Out


68.    Shortcut key for Paste command in PowerPoint is

A.   Ctrl + y

B.   Ctrl + v

C.    Ctrl + c

D.   None of these

69.    In 'Title slide' the default font size of 'Title placeholder' is ________

A.   40

B.   44

C.    48

D.   24  

70.    Shortcut key for Bold command in Powerpoint is

A.   Ctrl + b

B.   Alt + b

C.    Shift + b

D.   None of these


71.    The term HTTP stands for ……………….

A.   Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

B.   Hypertext Tracing program

C.    Hyper terminal tracing program

D.   Hypertext Tracing Protocol


72.    The address of a page on the www means Email Address.




73.    Text Massages sent through a network is ….

A.   Fax Messages

B.   Email Messages

C.    Pony Express

D.   Sender  


74.    Mouse and ……………………. Are the most common input devices for computer .

A.   Printer

B.   Keyboard

C.    Speaker

D.   Plotter


75.    We can write information in ROM.



76.    System unit consist of ______________

A.   Microprocessor

B.   Input / Output Cards

C.    Memory Chips

D.   All of these 

77.    What do you need to access world wide web?

A.   ISP


C.    URL

D.   Server

78.    Which type of software program is used to open a website?

A.   Browser


C.    webpage

D.   HTML  

79.    What is expansion of HTTP?

A.   Hypertext transport policy

B.   Hypertext transport permission

C.    Hypertext transport port

D.   Hypertext transfer Protocol

80.    Information about sender at the end of email created by using

A.   Name

B.   Signature

C.    Password

D.   User ID  

81.    We can change the thickness of a line from ___

A.   Line width

B.   Line Height

C.    Line Thick

D.   Line Style  


82.    Word is ……………. Type of software

A.   System Software

B.   Application

C.    End user

D.   Antivirus


83.    The spelling mistakes are underline by ……… color lines

A.   Yellow

B.   Blue

C.    Red

D.   Black


84.    MS Word Is Application Software




85.    In Ms-Word, showing word underlined with a wave red line indicates…………

A.   Grammatical

B.   Mistake

C.    A highlighted word

D.   Spelling mistake

E.    An underkined word

86.    Where you find the option to include symbol in cell of MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   addsymbol tab

B.   Insert tab

C.    embed tab

D.   link tab


87.    Where we can specify print area in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   In data tab

B.   in page layout tab

C.    in review tab

D.   in insert tab


88.    Short cut key for Spelling check in Ms-Excel is

A.   F1

B.   F2

C.    F7

D.   F3


89.    What is the default date format in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   mm-dd-yy

B.   dd-mm-yy

C.    yy-mm-dd

D.   dd-yy-mm

90.    Which is a correct chart type available in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   Doughnut

B.   Column

C.    Scatter

D.   All of these

91.    In PowerPoint the file menu consist of __________

A.   Open, Save, Print

B.   Undo, Redo

C.    Cut, Copy, Paste

D.   None of these

92.    Use Ctrl+A => Ctrl+C on the slide pane to _______

A.   Copy all slides

B.   Select all slides

C.    Delete all slides

D.   Paste all slides

93.    Layout of the default presentation is Two Content.



94.    Slide show can be created using __________

A.   MS-Word

B.   MS-Excel

C.    HTML

D.   MS PowerPoint 

95.    You can add various artistic effects to images in PowerPoint



96.    The example of Military website is …..

A.   www.ibm.net

B.   www.siu.edu

C.    www.mahavat.gov

D.   www.navy.mil

97.    Memory unit of a computer stores both input and output.


B.   FALSE  


98.    NOS long form is Network Operating System.



99.    Which one of the following is the most common internet protocol?

A.   Net BEUL





100.    In network data transfer rate is measured in Bond Rate.



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Computer MCQs Questions Set - 8 (Marathi)

  Top 25 Computer MCQ Question   1.     Maximum size of file name in windows is ____________ characters. A.   50   B.   100 C.    ...