Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Computer MCQs Questions Set - 3

Top 100 Computer MCQ Questions


1.   Which of these service do not provide free Email?

A.  Whats app

B.   Hotmail

C.   Yahoo mail

D.  Gmail


2.   Internet is ---------

A.  Internal Network

B.   Interconnected Network

C.   Index Network

D.  Interested Network


3.   Where you find the delete messages in email?

A.  Trash

B.   Spam

C.   Inbox

D.  Sent mail  


4.   Which was the first internet tool for sending messages electronically?

A.  Letter

B.   Fax

C.   Speed post

D.  Email


5.   Which of the following button is used to give response to receiving mails

A.  Reply

B.   Send

C.   Create

D.  compose  


6.   In MS-Word Horizontal ruler helps us to ……………

A.  To set indents

B.   To set tabs

C.   To change page margins

D.  All of these


7.   We get insert table options under .......

A.  Insert Table

B.   Picture

C.   Remove

D.  Update  


8.   Which of the following is the latest version of MS Word ?

A.  2000

B.   2007

C.   2010

D.  2011  


9.   In MS word, What  is NOT on the insert Ribbon Command?

A.  Shapes

B.   Clip Art

C.   Page Numbers

D.  Thesaurus


10.      ……………. item appears dimly behind the main body text. 

A.  Water Color

B.   Background

C.   Watermark

D.  Back Color


11.      What are the options available under style group in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  Sort

B.   Filter

C.   Conditional formatting

D.  Sum  


12.      What function converts row data in a column data or column data in a row?

A.  Hyperlink

B.   Impose

C.   Compose

D.  Transpose  


13.      What are the options available under number group in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  Accounting number format

B.   percent style

C.   comma style

D.  All of these  


14.      Where we find the status bar in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  at the bottom of MS Excel window

B.   at the left side of MS Excel window

C.   at the top of MS Excel window

D.  at the right side of MS Excel window  


15.      To save a Workbook, you press ………………

A.  Ctrl + S

B.   Ctrl+F5

C.   Shift + S

D.  Shift + F5


16.      Shortcut key to run slide show in PowerPoint is

A.  F1

B.   Ctrl + S

C.   Alt + s

D.  None of these


17.      You cannot create duplicate slide in PowerPoint.


B.   FALSE  


18.      Placeholder can be deleted from a slide


B.   FALSE  


19.      In Powerpoint Word Art Option is available in __________ Tab.

A.  Home

B.   Insert

C.   View

D.  Review  


20.      To exit from PowerPoint presentation graphics  ...................

A.  Choose close from file menu

B.   Choose exit from the file menu

C.   Select quit from the view menu

D.  Any of the above  

21.      In network __________ nodes are around a central server.

A.  E-Mail Clients

B.   Clients

C.   Modem

D.  Baud Rate 

22.      You can send __________ with E-Mail, by uploading it.

A.   Attachment

B.    Reply

C.    Signature

D.   None of these

23.      The programs used to give pages on the world wide web are called….

A.  Screen Vers

B.   Dowsers

C.   World Wide Web

D.  Browsers  

24.      In binary number system, 0 & 1 are called as ……………..

A.   Bit

B.    Byte

C.    Digit

D.   Number  

25.      Passwords shows in __________ On the screen

A.  Black dots

B.   Dot (.)

C.   @

D.  And (&)


26.   Modulation means to convert Digital signal to Analog Signal.


B.   FALSE  


27.   VDU stands for - -------------------

A.  Visual Display Unit

B.   Visual Digital Unit

C.   Visual Data Unit

D.  Vide Data Unit


28.   Web site name is divided into --- ---- parts.

A.  2

B.   5

C.   3

D.  4

29.   Internal and External are types of memory devices.


B.    FALSE  


30.   Through which option we send files along with Email

A.   Send

B.    Inbox

C.    Attachment

D.   Outbox

31.   Undo command is given in …….. Tool bar.

A.  Window

B.   File

C.   Quick

D.  Access Format  


32.   MS-WORD is an example of …….

A.  Hardware

B.   Web page

C.   System software

D.  Application Software


33.   In MS-Word, footnotes, endnotes & indexes are all inserted as …….

A.  Hyperlinks

B.   Books marks

C.   Word fields

D.  Cross Refence


34.   In MS-Word to apply Header & Footer …… Tab is available there.

A.  Home

B.   View

C.   Insert

D.  Page Layout  


35.      The ………… following option is not available in View Tab.

A.  Ruler

B.   Bold

C.   Gridlines

D.  Zoom  


36.      Worksheet collection is called as ____

A.  Workbook

B.   Work note book

C.   Work document

D.  Chart Book


37.      Which options are available under border in font group of home tab?

A.  No Border

B.   All Border

C.   Outside Border

D.  All of these


38.      Serial Z-A means___ Sorting of text.

A.  Descending

B.   Ascending

C.   Vertical

D.  Numeric


39.      View tab is used to display or hide gridlines in MS Excel 2010.




40.      Which function in MS Excel 2010 will insert current system time in a cell?

A.  =time()

B.   =clock()

C.   =now()

D.  =current Time()


41.      The extension of PowerPoint file is -------------

A.  .pptx

B.   .ppt

C.   .potx

D.  .ppsx


42.      Reset command is available in ______ group in PowerPoint.

A.  Slides

B.   Clipboard

C.   Font

D.  Paragraph


43.      To remove transition from a slide _________ option is selected.

A.  All

B.   None

C.   Set

D.  None of these


44.      Speaker note can be added in Presentation by user.


B.   FALSE  


45.      We cannot create another copy of a slide in PowerPoint.  




46.      In Windows 7, pressing Ctrl + A will………………….

A.  Cut the selected item

B.   copy the contents

C.   Select all items in a document or window

D.  Paste selected item


47.      The example of Commercial website is …..

A.  www.hotmail.com

B.   www.siu.edu

C.   www.mahavat.gov

D.  www.navy.mil


48.      Internet explorer is developed by ________________

A.   Microsoft

B.    Mozilla

C.    Google

D.   Apple  


49.      URL stands for Universal Resource Locators.




50.      Users typically use program that uses SMTP from sending email .



51.   Which part is not Storage Device

A.  Flash Drive

B.   Scanner

C.   Hard disk

D.  All of these


52.   Metallic platters are used in - ---- -----------

A.  Floppy Disk

B.   Hard disk

C.   Optical Disk

D.  Pen drive 


53.   To turn OFF computer in win-7 we use shut down command in ____ menu.

A.  Start

B.   Control Panel

C.   Desktop

D.  Icon 


54.   We can not use ……. a command unless it is undone first.

A.  redo

B.   undo

C.   delete

D.  move


55.   In MS WORD, Italic character are slanted than regular Characters.




56.   Speed is one of the characteristics of computer.




57.   Mouse is input device.




58.   Page  number option is in ____ tab in MS Word 2010 .

A.   Insert

B.    home

C.    view

D.   layout 


59.   In ms-Word what Ribbon do you find where you can add a chart?

A.  Insert

B.   view

C.   page layout

D.  home


60.      Use ………. Short key for Redo command.

A.  Ctrl + A

B.   Ctrl + Z

C.   Ctrl + Y

D.  Ctrl + W


61.      Which group contains textbox option in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  edit

B.   text

C.   links

D.  symbols 


62.      The Current Status of Worksheet can be seen on …………….. Bar.

A.  Tool Bar

B.   Title Bar

C.   Status Bar

D.  None of these 


63.      What is the keyboard shortcut to select all in a  worksheet ?

A.  Ctrl+ a

B.   Ctrl+ l

C.   Ctrl+ c

D.  Ctrl+ h 

64.      Where you find option "font size" to select paper size in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  home tab

B.   insert tab

C.   page layout tab

D.  All of these


65.      We cannot use Spaces in Formula while typing formula in Cell.




16.      Which of the following is type of Powerpoint slide show option?

A.  From Beginning

B.   From Current Slide

C.   Custom Slide Show

D.  All of these 


67.      PPT stands for ___________ PowerPoint picture

A.  Bitmap

B.    Image

C.    Bitwise

D.   Image


68.      Tables command is available in ___________ tab in PowerPoint.

A.  Home

B.   Insert

C.   Transition

D.  View


69.      You cannot crop picture in PowerPoint.




70.      Shortcut key for Copy command in PowerPoint is

A.  Ctrl + b

B.   Ctrl + U

C.   Ctrl + I

D.  None of these


71.      In Gmail, Compose button is used to ______

A.  Write a new E-Mail

B.   Reply to E-Mail

C.   Delete E-Mail

D.  Forward E-Mail


72.      You need to pay for sending and receiving e-mails.





73.      Is it possible to reply to E-Mail, by clicking on reply button?

A.  It's not possible

B.   It is possible

C.   Sometimes its possible

D.  None of these


74.      PDF stands for………………

A.  Printable Document Format

B.   Prompt Document Format

C.   Print Disk Format

D.  Prize Disk Format 


75.      www.navy.mil is example of Military Website.



76.   System board of computer is also called as ---------

A.  Base Board

B.   Mother Board

C.   Logic Board

D.  Chart Board  


77.   RAM stands for _______________

A.  Random Auto Memory

B.   Read Access Memory

C.   Read Auto Memory

D.  Random Access Memory  


78.   System date and time can be change.


B.   FALSE  


79.   It is possible to change wallpaper in windows 7.


B.   FALSE  


80.   Which is world wide network?

A.  Internet

B.   FAX

C.   Server



81.   New Document option is given in ……Menu.

A.  View

B.   Edit

C.   File

D.  Windows  


82.   Line tool' option is in the …… option of Insert Tab.

A.  Shape

B.   Formatting

C.   Status

D.  Standard  


83.   The extension of files created in Ms-Word 2010 …….

A.  .dot

B.   .docx

C.   .dom

D.  .txt


84.   Information like Page No's, Dates etc. can be set in ………

A.  Margins

B.   Header/Footer

C.   Page Brakes

D.  Quick Parts  


85.   To select any paragraph in document, ………………. With mouse on paragraph.

A.  Double Click

B.   Triple Click

C.   Single Click

D.  Right Click  


86.   Which among the following Alignments are available in Excel.

A.  Top Alignment

B.   Middle Alignment

C.   Bottom Alignment

D.  All of these  

87.   With ____ Function , we get Minimum value in range.

A.   sum()

B.    Average()

C.    Min()

D.   Max()  


88.   Which chart type can be created in MS Excel 2010  ?

A.   column

B.    rectangle

C.    Pie (A & C)

D.   Circle C


89.   Which function in MS Excel 2010 will add the numbers from given cells ?

A.  add()

B.   um()

C.   total()

D.  count()  


90.   Where you find the option set print area in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  home tab

B.   insert tab

C.   page layout tab

D.  view tab  


91.   Which of the following tab has the background option?

A.   Home

B.    Insert

C.    Design

D.   Slide Show  


92.   You can insert Gridline in PowerPoint using ______

A.  Rules

B.   Guides

C.   Gridlines

D.  None of these C C


93.   Zooming the presentation affects the printing size of the slide.




94.   The components of a slide are ________

A.  Title

B.   Content

C.   Header 

D.  All of these

95.   To insert picture in a slide use picture command given in _________ tab.

A.  Home

B.   Insert

C.   View

D.  Animation  


96.   The word "Modem" is shortcut of _______ And ________

A.  Modulation and Demodulation

B.   Moderation and Demodulation

C.   Modern Demodulation

D.  None of these


97.   Operating system is a program.


B.   FALSE  


98.   To show Military site __________ domain code is used.

A.  mil

B.   edu

C.   com

D.  gov


99.   To send e-mail to a person we must have E-Mail account.  


B.   FALSE  


100.   In Windows 7, pressing Ctrl + Z will………….

A.   Delete selected item

B.    Undo an action

C.    Find a file

D.   Zip a File

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Computer MCQs Questions Set - 8 (Marathi)

  Top 25 Computer MCQ Question   1.     Maximum size of file name in windows is ____________ characters. A.   50   B.   100 C.    ...