Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Computer MCQs Questions Set - 4

Top 100 Computer MCQs Questions


1.   We can move from current website to another website by clicking --------.

A.  downloading

B.   selecting

C.   hyperlink

D.  surfing


2.   In the world the biggest network is


B.   MAN

C.   Internet

D.  None of these


3.   Information in -------- readable only, we cannot change it.


B.   RAM




4.   What we can transfer through email ?

A.  Images

B.   Video

C.   Audio

D.  All of these

5.   Lcd stands for …………..

A.  Led Camera Display

B.   Lan Crystal Display

C.   Liquid Crystal Display

D.  None of these


6.   Use …… short key to Redo command.

A.  Ctrl + A

B.   Ctrl + Z

C.   Ctrl + W

D.  None of these  

7.   Total number of pages in Current document is shown on ……..

A.  Scroll Bar

B.   Formula Bar

C.   Status Bar

D.  Quick Access Tool Bar


8.   To see our document in different views……tab used.

A.   Home

B.    data

C.    View

D.   Insert  


9.   In MS Word, Left Justification makes the ends of lines uneven.




10.   To highlight a specific word in MS-WORD document, use…… option for it.

A.  Text Highlight Color

B.   Color

C.   Underline

D.  Italic


11.   Where the footer is displayed on paper in MS Excel 2010 if we print file?

A.  only bottom of every page

B.   only bottom of every worksheet

C.   only bottom of every workbook

D.  None of these  


12.   Which of the following is not a chart type which is not in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  Radium

B.   Surface

C.   Stock

D.  Radar  


13.   To select whole/ complete sheet use ………. Key combination.

A.  Ctrl + A

B.   Ctrl + D

C.   Ctrl + B

D.  Ctrl + S  


14.   With ………. Function, we get minimum Value in Range.

A.   =SUM()

B.    =Min()

C.    =Average( )

D.   =Max()


15.   Where you find the option which creates table in MS Excel 2010  ?

A.  Insert tab

B.   Add table tab

C.   Create table tab

D.  create tab  


16.   The selected design, themes can be applied to ______.

A.  to all slides

B.   to current slides

C.   to all new presentation

D.  All of these

17.   You can create Presentation in MS PowerPoint.


B.   FALSE  


18.   Presentation Software is under the MS-Office application. 




19.   PowerPoint has provided __________ group in a Home tab

A.  Drawing

B.   Images

C.   Symbols

D.  Media  


20.   which key is used insert a hyperlink?

A.  Ctrl + L

B.   Ctrl + H

C.   Ctrl + K

D.  None of these  


21.   The ____________ means global connection of computers.

A.  Wi-Fi

B.   LAN

C.   Infra  Red

D.  Internet  

22.   The word "Modem" stands for ________________.

A.   Modern Equipment

B.    Digital Signal

C.    Analog Signal

D.   Modulation and Demodulation  

23.   What is the name of language you used to write web pages?


B.   Fortran

C.   Android

D.  Notepad  


24.   We can send one email to many addresses.


B.   FALSE  


25.   Register stores both input and output data permanently



26.   Sound and images are not transferred through Email.


B.    FALSE 

27.   While surfing Shortcut key is used for stop the internet Explorer is.

A.  Esc

B.   Ctrl

C.   Tab

D.  Shift 


28.   Which option is used for communication to each other?

A.   E-mail

B.    Video conferencing

C.    Online chatting

D.   All of these


29.   The worldwide Interconnected system of a computer network is.

A.  Internet

B.   Newsgroup

C.   Bulletin Board

D.  Shareware 


30.   We can search clip art category with………..option.

A.  Search for

B.   text for

C.   search

D.  find 


31.   The information which is given at the bottom of the page is called ……

A.  End Note

B.   Foot Note

C.   Header

D.  Footer 


32.   WordArt come under …….tab.

A.  Home

B.   Formulas

C.   Insert

D.  View


33.   Which command can be used to reach a specific page directly  ?

A.  Go To

B.   Move

C.   Clear

D.  Cut


34.   Laser technology is used, in case of Compact disk.




35.      You will choose ….. To save document with new name.

A.   Ctrl +s

B.    Click file, save

C.    Click tools

D.   Click file, save as 

36.      The Alignment of Cells in Excel Sheet can be done by ………………..

A.  View -- >Alignment

B.   Home -- >Alignment

C.   Home--> align

D.  None of these 


37.      Three or more worksheets can be available in one workbook.




38.      With ………. Function, current System Date gets inserted in cell. 

A.  =Date()

B.   =Set date()

C.   =Current date()

D.  =Today()


39.      The clear option in home tab in MS Excel 2010 can ___

A.   Clear comments

B.    Clear formats

C.    Clear hyperlinks

D.   All of these

40.      With …………… Function Current System Time gets inserted in Current Cell.

A.  =Now( )

B.   =Time( )

C.   =Current Time( )

D.  =Clock( ) 


41.      The default file name of PowerPoint is  ................

A.   Presentation 1

B.    Workbook 1

C.    Document 1

D.   File 1 


42.      To change layout of inserted slide we should click on __.

A.  Home Tab - Slides Group - New Slide

B.   Insert Tab - Slides Group - New Slide

C.   Home Tab - Slides Group - Layout

D.  Design Tab - Slides Group - New Slide 


43.      To select any word in a slide ____ with mouse on that word

A.  Double click

B.   Single click

C.   Right click

D.  None of these 


44.      In PowerPoint timing rehearse option is available under ________ ribbon.

A.  Slideshow

B.   Review

C.   View

D.  Design


45.      You cannot add specific time for each animation.




46.      LCD stands for…………………..

A.  Learning Curved Display

B.   Liquid Crystal Display

C.   Liquid Curve Display

D.  None of these


47.      PDF files can be edited.



48.      SMTP is the protocol for what internet function?

A.  ARPA Net

B.   Email

C.   News groups

D.  Gopher


49.      In E-Mail address separate the name and the domain with an "@" symbol.

                A. TRUE

B        B.   FALSE 


50.      With __________ System we can convert voice in telephone signals.

A.  Voice messaging

B.   Scanner

C.   Fax

D.  Printer

51.   Which button is used when website does not get loaded properly .

A.  Setup Button

B.   Backward Arrow button

C.   Forward Arrow button

D.  Reload Button 

52.   Who provided Gmail service ?

A.   Browser

B.    Google

C.    Microsoft

D.   Server  


53.   Which of the following language is used to design a web page?

A.  Java

B.   XML

C.   Word


54.   URL is an address that specifies the location of the website.


B.   FALSE  


55.   Which service was the first internet service provider?

A.  NSF net

B.   FAX




56.   There are buttons for ………….. At the right hand side of title bar.

A.  Minimize

B.   Maximize/ Restore

C.   Close

D.  All of these

57.   Word Processing Software creates…………..document.

A.   Antivirus

B.    system Software

C.    Application Software

D.   Text Base 

58.   Increase Indent button is given in ……………… Group of Home Tab.

A.  Standard

B.   Paragraph

C.   Status

D.  Drawing  


59.   Save as" dialog box is mainly used to save the open file with different name.




60.      We can remove the border by using '………..' option.

A.  None

B.   Art

C.   Style

D.  Font  


61.      Which is a correct answer for =int(879.125) in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  879.98800000000006

B.   879

C.   879.9

D.  880  


62.      The "Area Chart " is one of the chart type in MS Excel 2010.


B.   FALSE  


63.      Where we find the word art option in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.   insert tab

B.    Home tab

C.    page layout tab

D.   data tab


64.      With ……… function, we get minimum value in Range.

A.   =Sum

B.    =Min

C.    =Average

D.   =Max


65.      With _____Function, We get the average of values in Range.

A.  Sum

B.   Min

C.   Average

D.  Max


66.      Use ............ function key for slide show.

A.  F2

B.   F5

C.   F7

D.  F10


67.      SmartArt command is available in ______ tab in PowerPoint.

A.  Home

B.   Insert

C.   Transition

D.  View


68.      In which tab will you find Word Art in PowerPoint?

A.   Format

B.    Design

C.    Home

D.   Insert 

69.      Shortcut key for Bold command in PowerPoint is.

A.  Ctrl + b

B.   Alt + b

C.   Shift + b

D.  None of these


70.      MS-PowerPoint is useful for ________.

A.  Teaching

B.   Marketing

C.   Animation

D.  All of these 

71.      In Windows 7, pressing Ctrl + C will………………….

A.  Copy selected item

B.   Cut selected item

C.   Paste selected item

D.  Delete selected item  


72.      We can see source code of open webpage from internet explorer.




73.      Which one of the following is not network topology?

A.  Line

B.   Bus

C.   Star

D.  Ring


74.      We can stop the information on the screen for some period using ……… key.

A.  Esc

B.   Pause

C.   Control

D.  Tab


75.      Which of the following is used to search content online?

A.  Social networks

B.   Search engine

C.   Screeners

D.  Routers B

76.   Which are the applications of Internet?

A.  Communication

B.   Online Shopping

C.   Net banking

D.  All of these 

77.   LCD Means-

A.  Light Code Display

B.   Light case display

C.   Liquid Crystal Display

D.  Long case display  


78.   Internal memory is divided into ____________.


B.   ROM


D.  All of these 

79.   Internet's initial development was supported by ---------


B.   FAX



80.   To display commercial site following type of domain code is used.

A.  .com

B.   .edu

C.   .exe

D.  .gov  


81.   you can find shapes under……

A.  Home

B.   Insert

C.   Page Layout

D.  Data 


82.   Word file name by default is ……………… on title bar.

A.  File name

B.   Document

C.   xls

D.  Template


83.   To close the print preview press the____ key from keyboard in MS Word 2010.

A.  Insert

B.   Delete

C.   Home

D.  Esc 

84.   We can do alignment of text by left ,right,…………,justified

A.  Center

B.   Up

C.   Down

D.  None of these


85.   In MS-Word you can create a table with the use of one of the following

A.  Insert table

B.   Create Table

C.   Draw Table

D.  All of these

86.   With text orientation Option we can rotate text in cell.


B.    FALSE  


87.   The function =max(56,65,78,38) will show output in excel is.

A.  130

B.   65

C.   78

D.  0


88.   Serial A-Z means Ascending Sorting of text.




89.   What is maximum possible zoom % in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  10

B.   20

C.   400

D.  500


90.   Which option is used from file menu is used to save it in pdf/xps format in MS Excel 2010 ?

A.  Create PDF/XPS

B.   Print

C.   Send

D.  Recent


91.   Shadow effect can be given with text shadow command in _______ tab.

A.  Insert

B.   Home

C.   View

D.  Review


92.   We cannot end a slide show in middle.



93.   The default orientation of a slide is portrait



94.   Presentation files are made in ___________ type of software.

A.  Presentation Graphics Program

B.   Word Processor

C.   Browser

D.  Database  


95.   Maximum zoom available in PowerPoint is ?

A.  100

B.   200

C.   400

D.  800  


96.   Which of the following is a correct format of Email address?

A.  name@website@ingo



D.  name.web


97.   RAM stands for …………….

A.  Reading Access Memory

B.   Random Action Memory

C.   Random Access Memory

D.  Reading Action Memory  


98.   Storage capacity of a Flash Memory Card is ……………..

A.  650 MB To 1 GB

B.   4.7 GB To 17 GB

C.   2 GB To 64 GB

D.  500 GB to 1TB


99.   Long form of TCP/IP is _______________

A.  Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

B.   Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

C.   Transfer Control Protocol / Internal Protocol

D.  Transfer Center Protocol / Internal Protocol  


100.   While composing E-Mail, we __________ need to type the E-Mail id.

A.  Never

B.   Always

C.   Sometimes

D.  None of these

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Computer MCQs Questions Set - 8 (Marathi)

  Top 25 Computer MCQ Question   1.     Maximum size of file name in windows is ____________ characters. A.   50   B.   100 C.    ...